Ultrasound is safe, non-invasive, and radiation-free. It uses sound waves to generate an image. The breast imaging specialists of AMI are committed to quality and excellence in the performance of all ultrasound exams.
The primary use of breast ultrasound is to help diagnose breast abnormalities detected during a physical exam (such as a lump or bloody or spontaneous clear nipple discharge) and to characterize potential
abnormalities seen on mammography or breast magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Ultrasound imaging
can help to determine if an abnormality is solid (which may be a non-cancerous lump of tissue or a cancerous tumor) or fluid-filled (such as a benign cyst) or both cystic and solid. Ultrasound can also help show additional features of the abnormal area. Doppler ultrasound is used to assess blood supply in breast lesions.
Many studies have shown that ultrasound can help supplement mammography by detecting breast cancers that may not be visible with mammography.