3D Tomosynthesis

3D tomosynthesis at Atlantic Medical Imaging

A new service for mammography patients is now available at Atlantic Medical Imaging. 3D tomosynthesis offers better visualization for radiologists who are helping certain groups of patients—particularly those with dense breasts. This improvement in visualization can result in fewer callbacks and, thus, less anxiety for patients.

We are pleased to be able to offer 3D tomosynthesis to our patients, but it's important to remember that 2D digital mammography remains the gold standard for early detection and has been proven to reduce mortality from breast cancer in all age groups starting at age 40.

Talk to your doctor today to find out if 3D tomosynthesis is right for you. To learn more about 3D tomosynthesis click here.

What is 3D tomosynthesis?


Is 3D tomosynthesis better that 2D digital mammography?


What are the benefits of 3D tomosynthesis?


What happens during a 3D tomosynthesis mammogram?


Is 3D tomosynthesis safe?


Does insurance pay for 3D tomosynthesis?


Where can I get 3D tomosynthesis at Atlantic Medical Imaging?